Long story short: we can still show you likes, but we have something even better!
Instagram recently announced that they plan on hiding the count number of likes for global audiences, which has caused a mixed response from users, influencers and marketers.
The removal of the likes count has made it more difficult for marketers to assess the past post performance of influencers before engaging with them, potentially exposing marketers to influencer fraud as they will not be able to assess influencer post performance until after their engagement.
Despite this, the Smartfluence platform can help you assess an influencer’s performance before deciding to work with them. For any influencer on our platform, we will continue to update and display engagement metrics (likes + comments). Additionally, we encourage you to utilize our audience authenticity metric. Our audience authenticity metric tells you how real and reachable an influencer's audience is. Our algorithms analyze an influencer’s followers and likers to determine if they are bots, fake accounts, or mass followers (people who are following thousands of accounts). For us, this should be your first line of defense when trying to determine if an influencer is someone you want to work with. Engagement rates should be used to gauge how you want to price an influencer – you want to discount influencer’s with lower engagement rates and reward others.
Contact our team today so we can show you how you can still view engagement rates and assess influencers based on their audience authenticity.