Highest Engagement Summer Campaign Ideas

The summer season is a great opportunity for brands to generate engagement and attention from customers. With many COVID-19 lockdown restrictions being lifted, people are gearing up to enjoy the summer. After analyzing hundreds of campaigns during the summer period, we have found that these are the three types of campaigns that will generate the most engagement for your brand.

1. Instagram Summer Giveaway
Giveaways are usually a great strategy when it comes to generating engagement for your brand. Everyone wants to win something, making giveaways a very shareable event. Typically brands like to align giveaways with holidays, product releases, or events. During the summer, it is easy to use the season as a giveaway catalyst. Be sure to include giveaway rules to give additional points to participants like – “tag 3 friends”, “share on your story”, “follow the account”, etc.

2. Branded Hashtag
Branded hashtags are a great way to get people talking about your brand. Branded hashtags help reinforce your name brand with an easy catch. Generally speaking, for all of your social media campaigns you will want to come up with a unique branded hashtag so that you can track the performance of that tag. In the case of Michaels Stores, they decided to use the branded hashtag #makeitwithmichaels – and acted as a call-to-action for their creatives to share what they have made with supplies from their stores.

3. Photo Contests
Photo contests are one of the best ways to create not only community engagement, but also get user-generated content to post on your feed and stories. Many brands do not have a massive production team to constantly generate endless content for all of their social media channels. As a result, photo contests will enable you to get content from users and create customer engagement. Additionally, we recommend brands to get the rights to use the content for paid social campaigns as it provides a more organic feel to a paid promotion.

The best ways to execute campaigns like these is to combine these social media plans with influencer promotions. By having influencers promote the brand’s campaign, you can create a viral network effect that will allow you to gain the most momentum and increase your performance KPIs for the campaign.

If you want to learn the best way to engage influencers for these campaigns, check out our platform now and sign up for a free account!

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